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How to manage third-party apps on SIID

A third-party app is any non-SIID application on your computer, phone, or tablet. You can connect third-party apps to your SIID account. 

SIID is not responsible for apps developed and offered by other companies. We recommend that you review each app’s terms of use and privacy policies before granting it access to your SIID account.

How to connect third-party apps to your SIID account

  1. Sign in to SIID.
  2. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the upper-right.
  3. Click Settings from the menu that appears.
  4. Click the name of the app you'd like to connect to.
  5. Click Connect.

At this time you are only able to set up a single-sign-on connection with Google, which allows you to sign-in with your Gmail account.  

What access will the third-party app have to my SIID account?

When you link an app to SIID, the app will have access to your basic account information, such as your registered email address. Apps can request different levels of access to your SIID account including viewing, editing, or managing your files and folders. It may also request access in the following ways: 

  • Select Access - Provides access to a specific file in your SIID account. The app can only access that specific file and only write create and write to a file in that same folder.
  • App Project - A specific project in your SIID account. The app can only access files in that folder.
  • Full SIID - All projects and files in your SIID account.

To see what access a specific app has to your SIID account:

  1. Sign in to SIID.
  2. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the upper-right.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click Connected apps.
  5. Click the app you’d like to view. You’ll see what access that app has next to Permissions.

How to disconnect a third-party app from your SIID account

If at any point you wish to disconnect an app from your account, you can do so in your account settings.

  1. Sign in to SIID.
  2. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the upper-right.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click Connected apps.
  5. Click the arrow next to the app you’d like to disconnect.
  6. Click Disconnect.

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